Monday, December 15, 2008

When Dreams Don't Come True

Sometimes, life presents roadblocks and obstacles along the way that we don't have any choice left but to make a detour. It steers us away from our goal and from fulfilling a dream, and often wonder why things doesn't always go as planned.

Not all dreams are meant to come true. Let us not fool ourselves into thinking that anything is possible if we have a dream and the determination to achieve it. There is an even greater force that governs the universe, and we are powerless to control it. Our will may be strong, but there is a strong power that supercedes all else.

Sometimes, dreams don't come true. Not because there's a failure from our end, but simply because, it wasn't meant to be. God has given us the freedom to decide for ourselves how we want our lives to be. We make plans and we build dreams based on our own perspective on what will be good for us, but God, who sees the bigger picture and knows the future, knows better and wants to give only the best for us, even if it means crushing our dreams. Shattered dreams cause broken hearts and souls, but only then can God manifest His glorious power to heal us and to make us whole again.

So don't despair when things don't go according as planned. It may be painful to see our dreams scattered into pieces, but know and trust that God has something better in store for us. As Michael Scofield says, "Planning can only take you as far, after that, you've got to take a few leaps of faith." When you think that everything is falling apart, always remember that the best is yet to come.

Keep faith alive!
