Saturday, October 24, 2009

Facebook to Blame

It's weekend once again. The time of the week where I could spare a few minutes to tinker with the computer about non-work related stuff. Ok, I'm lying. I am usually in front of the computer almost everyday, even after work. It's just that I'm not really into blogging anymore, for the reason that Facebook has gotten the better part of me. hehehe

Reading updates from friends, seeing their pictures, watching videos and selling friends (in Friends for Sale) has taken me away from blogging. Instead of the broadcaster, I'm now more of a spectator. Instead of working my brains, I chose to be lazy.

Well, let's blame Facebook for that. =)

Life Goes On...

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me these lines.

"Well, it was not a surprise that you are getting married ... it's a shocker!!! hehe ... well the persona that you projected to the public is one that is far far away from marriage-hood. You are independent, marriage is limiting. You are carefree, marriage is serious. You are adventurous, marriage is settling down. You dream of great things, marriage is compromise. That's why people were taken by surprise."

I didn't have the chance to dispute, refute or confirm what he told me. My reply, if I remember correctly was a smile. I didn't really understand what he meant by then. At that point in time, in the midst of my wedding preparations, I was too excited and too naive to know what I'm really getting into to. And now, almost five years into marriage, I think I now have the answers.

Well the persona that you projected to the public is one that is far far away from marriage-hood - everybody is not what he seems he is. In most cases, people surprise other people, in which, i'm not the only one =)

You are carefree, marriage is serious - I am carefree, and yes I can be serious, too. Just because a person is carefree doesn't mean that I don't take things seriously. The two doesn't necessarily contradict.

You are adventurous, marriage is settling down - When I tied the knot, my adventorous spirit didn't get tied down. A major part of me still wants to explore the world, and marriage has not kept me from doing that. Thankfully, I have found a partner who shares the same spirit.

You dream of great things, marriage is compromise - whether or not you are in marriage, compromise happens. You compromise at work, you compromise with your family, with friends and there are somethings you have to give up in favor of other things. Compromise does not happen exclusively in marriage. I may have compromised a lot of things in the beginning of my marriage, but, this I'm truly proud to say, that my husband has shown me all out support for the things that I dreamed of, and has selflessly encouraged me in my pursuit of greatness.

I can honestly say that I'm truly happy with what my marriage has brought me, and what life, in general, has given me. But it doesn't stop there. At 28, I've gone to places, I've conquered some of my fears, reached some goals, given up on some dreams, build new ones .... but it doesn't end there. There are still places to visit, goals to reach, dreams to conquer and adventures that are yet to be taken. But the most beautiful part is that I have someone to share these things with, and having two adorable miniatures of ourselves, is definitely a bonus.

I just turned 28. Another birthday, another year, another beginning...but it's the same journey. Life goes on...
