Sunday, September 14, 2008


As I go through life, I've learned to not always believe everything I heard, feel or see at first glance.

I've come to realize that there are more to people, things and situations than what meets the eye. Life has taught and shown me a lot of ironies that I wouln't have believed had I not known better.

There are people who'd appear tough and confident but are really nervous inside.

Someone who speaks freely about sex and intimacy may actually be ineperienced where sex is concerned.

A person who seems financially secure may be buried with credit card debt.

There is someone who appears to be naive and innocent, but may not exactly be your next-door virgin.

Some others who appear to be shy and timid may actually be secure enough of themselves that they don't find the need to belong and to socialize.

I know of some people who earn 6-digit salaries but are actually scouting around for loans to pay off debts.

The man beside you who shines in all his masculinity may actually be desiring the masculinity of the guy accross the table.

A person who openly says he doesn't want commitment actually desires of settling down but wants to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

A rebellious person wishes to have someone in his life who can tame him and make him submit.

A person who speaks articulately, and critizes other people's grammar, couldn't get his subject and verb agree when blogging.

On the other hand, you may actually find yourself amused and enlightened reading the blog of someone you know can't get his words out when speaking.

Well, these are just some of the ironies that I'm sure a lot of us can relate to, or at least can identify with. And I'm pretty certain that you can create a list of your own.

So don't believe everything you hear and see. I know of someone who emphasized the words "Perception is everything". This person, who once trained me and my peers for the job that I used to do, and whom we thought was indispensable, being the very foundation of the principles we go by in our job, was fired by the company because apparently, he's not needed anymore. Yes, perception is everything. But it is exactly what it is, just a perception.

