Thursday, February 28, 2008

Looks Can Be Deceiving

I love to see the look on people's faces when I tell them I am married and I have two kids. I'd love to see their jaws drop in amazement, sometimes disbelief.

I don't take pride in being skinny. In fact, if I can have it my way, I want to be a little bigger than I am now. I actually thought when I got pregnant that I would gain some weight. I did, but only because of my bulging tummy...and that's where the growth stayed..everything else remained the same. If someone would look at from behind, there's no way to tell I'm pregnant. And when I gave birth, I was back to my old figure in two days time. And to think that I got two kids.

And then there's the kiddie issue. I know I look young or to put simply, I look like a kid. There's no way a person I just met would believe me that I have kids of my own unless I have some backing of my friends, or if I show some pictures. It's also hard to believe my age because I'm petite.

It used to bother me before, but now it doesn't. I just smile when I see disbelief in people's faces. After all, it's supposed to flatter me. Most women my age would want to look younger than they actually do, and my youthful appearance is supposed to be a blessing that half of the women population would die for to be bestowed upon.

I am just writing this because a while ago, I saw that same look of disbelief again. And it made me smile in amusement. Well, I am a classic example of "looks can be deceiving".

