Monday, February 11, 2008

the men in my life

there was this man who opened my mind. he showed me the hard facts of life. he showed me reality. he shattered the rose-colored glasses through which i see the world. he showed me that people my age do not necessarily just go over books, tv's, movies and coffees...a lot are into parties, booze, substance abuse and one night stands. he knows coz he's been through all and out of it.

there was this man who gave me understanding. he made me see that not all men are what they seem to be. that there are men who appear nice and gentle but are actually wolves in sheep's clothing. he taught me that they can say one thing to a girl but actually mean another thing. he showed me that not all guys who give you flowers, take you out to romantic dinners and shower you with compliments are the suitable partners to choose. He taught me how to look out for these types of men, and to see beyond the facade.

there was this man who taught me forgiveness. he made me realize that no matter how deep the wound and how great the pain, there is forgiveness. he was the only person who has caused me so much emotional confusion and mental stress, but in the name of "great friendship" and family ties, i learned to forgive.

there was this man who gave me his world. who gave me patience and tolerance. he made me realize that love, faithfulness and commitment do exist. he has given me dedication like no other. he was a man who'd kiss the ground that i walked on if i ask him to. he made me realize that the kind of guys you read in the novels are real-life characters waiting to be found. he gave me "one great love" i would never forget even if i live a second lifetime.

and finally, there is this man who gave me everything...his heart, his soul, his life...and a promise of forever. he's the man i wake up with each day, whom i share my emotions with, whom i build my dreams with, and who fills my days with love, passion, laughter and joy.

these are the men in my life who has shared a part of themselves to me,not necessarily in a romantic way. people whom i've shared laughter with, who once shared their dreams with me, who have at one point or more have comforted me and have given me companionship. men who have shared their views and thoughts when i needed a man's perspective, whose friendship i truely value because they have made me a better woman.


soreal said...

wow how sweet ui! momi mier add a shoutbox sa imo page para nas lingaw :)

MiEr said...

A! i don't know how to add a shoutbox!
