Friday, July 11, 2008

Prince Caspian

I wanted Borjie and Zaira's first movie to be something special. I wanted it to be memorable for them, as it will be for us parents. I was thinking of bringing them to theater together, as I don't want any one of them to be left behind (which will most likely be Zaira since she's the younger one) so we waited until Zaira is old enough to be admitted and mature enough to sit still in a theater environment.

Then came Prince Caspian, the second of the 7 series of Chronicles of Narnia. I loved this as a book. In fact, during my high school days, I had all 7 of the books, and God knows where they all are now (can't remember who borrowed them). Kinda reminds of the item in "Life's Litte Instruction Book" ..."as with money and books, lend only those you don't care to see again." Going back...the first sequel, which was "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" proved screen-worthy, so I vowed not to miss the next one.

So when Prince Caspian came out, we wasted no time in bringing the kids to the moviehouse. I prepared lots of pop corn and pork rind to keep them busy in case they get bored. Fortunately, they seemed to enjoy the movie. Borjie anxiously waited for the lion to come out (he seemed to have recognized that it was a sequel). Zaira got a little sleepy but Lucy's character, and the animals fascinated her enough to keep her awake.

I chose this movie to their first, not only because I love it, but also because I want them to look back one day and be proud that the first movie they watched had some Christian value in it.

