Friday, March 7, 2008


All of us here in the office are expecting lesser workloads on Fridays. We have been so advanced with our evaluations because we want to make sure we have a good weekend by having a laxed Friday. We work our assess off from Mondays-Thursday just so we could meet our quotas and then slack off on Fridays.

However, I got the surprise of my life when I came in to the office and was met disappointments by my team mates. We still have to do our usual 10 evals a day, no excuses, and aside from that, we have to do our oneline time for one hour, an hour meeting with the quality manager, and another meeting with the senior associate for quality. That takes 3 hours away from our 10 evaluations, which is our normal quota for a day. Argh! And to think all of us are looking forward to this day.

This is probably the busiest Friday of my life. Thank God tomorrow is Saturday.

