Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kind Five Tags

this is from A...and i'm tagging her back...hehehe

1.) List Five things.
List five kind things you do for yourself.

- read a good book
- go shopping
- eat ice cream, chocolate and mangga w/ bagoong
- sleep for 14 hours
- update my blog

List five kind things you for your closest friend, partner or child.
- give them surprises
- bring them their favorite food
- let them watch their favorite dvd even when i want to use the computer
- let them drag me along to go malling even when i'm sleepy
- cuddle with them
List five kind things you have done for a stranger.
- helped a child hurt during a fire and ushered him to the ambulance
- gave a lady 25 centavos when the cashier asked for it and she didn't have it
- spent a whole day on a volunteer work to organize a party for street kids
- spent my weekends doing volunteer work for a Compassion ministry
- gave food to street children

2) Tag five people.


