Monday, December 15, 2008

When Dreams Don't Come True

Sometimes, life presents roadblocks and obstacles along the way that we don't have any choice left but to make a detour. It steers us away from our goal and from fulfilling a dream, and often wonder why things doesn't always go as planned.

Not all dreams are meant to come true. Let us not fool ourselves into thinking that anything is possible if we have a dream and the determination to achieve it. There is an even greater force that governs the universe, and we are powerless to control it. Our will may be strong, but there is a strong power that supercedes all else.

Sometimes, dreams don't come true. Not because there's a failure from our end, but simply because, it wasn't meant to be. God has given us the freedom to decide for ourselves how we want our lives to be. We make plans and we build dreams based on our own perspective on what will be good for us, but God, who sees the bigger picture and knows the future, knows better and wants to give only the best for us, even if it means crushing our dreams. Shattered dreams cause broken hearts and souls, but only then can God manifest His glorious power to heal us and to make us whole again.

So don't despair when things don't go according as planned. It may be painful to see our dreams scattered into pieces, but know and trust that God has something better in store for us. As Michael Scofield says, "Planning can only take you as far, after that, you've got to take a few leaps of faith." When you think that everything is falling apart, always remember that the best is yet to come.

Keep faith alive!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Smarty Borjie

I was getting ready to sleep yesterday afternoon when Borjie came up to the computer, and started reading out letters from the keyboard. He would say "Letter A, mommy oh!" or "Letter E, mommy oh!". From where I am, it looks to me that he was pointing at the correct position of the letters in the keyboard, so I got up to see for myself. I was amazed that he actually had them right. We started reading out the letters from the keyboard, and inspired by his interest, we went to to study further.

From there, he was able to read out to me the letters of the alphabet and the words under it. What surprised me more is he actually knows how to click on them using the mouse. Looking carefully at the cursor on the screen, he would navigate the mouse with this hand and when he sees that the cursor is pointing directly at the letter, he would then click on it. Sometimes, he loses the pointer and then I would guide him into seeing it, and then he brushes my hand away. He even knows to click on the arrow to move on to the next page. And then he moves on the to the next letter and the words starting with it.

There was even a particular folder in the desktop where he said "letter "f" mommy, oh! and at one point, moving the mouse around, he pointed at the "x" button of the window and said "awa, x!"

I was in trance wathcing my little boy. I never knew of a 3-year old kid who can navigate the internet. His interest and attention span was more than what is common for his age. I was getting tired and sleepy already studying with him so I told him that the next letter will be the last letter. He argued and say "wala pa gani "Y", and then added "sleep nalang, Mommy, kabalo naman ko." *sigh*...either kids these days grow up so fast, or i am ljust lagging behind...

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Could Not Ask for More

i could not ask for more - Sarah Evans

I Could Not Ask for More

i could not ask for more - Sarah Evans

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What Life Has Given Me

Two days ago, I was in one of the world's most beautiful places, basking under the warmth of the sun, enjoying the cool waters and sandy beaches of Boracay, in the arms of no less than my favorite person on earth - my husband. What better way to celebrate my birthday.

I am twenty-seven this year, and although I know I don't look it, I sure feel that I am actually older (and hopefully wiser). Life has given me so many experiences that has enriched me as a person (even if not financially) and I can't thank God enough for how He has been so faithful to me over the years.

While most people my age are probably struggling through quarter-life crisis, I'd like to believe that at this stage of my life, I know exactly where I am and where I want to get to. Life has given me a better perspective of things and I have decided on the what directions I'd like to take.

I don't feel the void and the emptiness that a lot of people my age are going through. I have my hands full raising my kids, weaving a happy marriage and establishing a career. And despite the rush and overwhelming load of things to do, I feel fulfilled.

God has given me the kind of job that I imagined doing when I joined the industry that I'm in. He has given me a husband so kind, patient and so understanding, the kind of man I've been dreaming about since I was a teener. He has given me beautiful, smart and high-spirited kids, not to mention affectionate and sweet.

They say that life gives to you what you have given to it. But this was not true to me. Life has given me more that what I have given to it - in fact, even more than what I was willing to give. By earthly standards, it may be injustice, but by heaven's standard, it's called grace.

Life has given me so much to celebrate about, so much to be grateful for. God has shown to me an outpour of His love, with blessings overflowing, in leaps and bounds. And the most beautiful gift of all is the fact the life has given me this early what most people take a lifetime to find - a happy family.

After the Happily Ever After

Most of the fairy tales I've read ends with the wedding, with the bride and groom and sealing their love with a kiss. What most people don't realize that it is actually the start of a new story, a more interesting plot. The day after the "happily ever after" is actually far more worth looking into, because it is when reality sinks in.

You'll have to come to terms with the fact that you'll have to wake up with the same person every morning, that you have to deal with his snoring every night and you have to pick up after the person's mess scattered anywhere in the bedroom. It's when you realize that your space is not actually your space, but it's shared. You time is no longer yours. When your friends ask you out for a gimik, you have to remember to call the other person to at least inform him/her of your whereabouts. Your life isn't yours alone anymore.

But the far more better side of the deal is that, you have someone to share everything with. And I mean everything. You have someone to celebrate your victories with, and someone to cry together with. Someone can always take the blow when you want to vent out your anger, and you'll know that he'll love you anyway. When you're trapped into commiting into something you don't want to get into, you can always say "Let me consult my better half".

After the wedding, there will be twists and turns, highs and lows, and everything in between. You'll just have to remember that no matter where the journey takes you, and where the story leads, always be reminded to stick to each other, to always make the most of every situation and to always have fun.

I want to live my marriage in a way that my children and grandchildren will remember us and say "They really did live happily ever after." And today, almost four years into marriage, we never stopped exerting the effort to make our marriage as magical as it could possibly be. We don't aim to make it to the pages of "Once upon a time..." but what we want to do is create a memory for the generation after us as to what should really happen after the "happily ever after."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Married Again

I lost my wedding ring way back when I was still in training in Convergys which was a little more than a couple of y

ears ago. I've put off buying a new ring because I didn't really see the necessity of having one. Wearing a ring is not the be all and end all of being married. I don't necessarily see it as a symbol of unending love, but more of an indication of your marital status.

When I was in training for Quality, my trainer, John Pham refused to believe I am married. He lied about his age to us and he thought I was turning the table against him. He looked at my finger and saw no wedding ring. He refused to believe until I showed him pictures of my kids and my husband.

So to put an end to people's endless skepticism to my real civil status, and to lessen the shock when they see me with my kids, Aldrich and I got us a new set of wedding rings. I'm married - again.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I've been following on Pastor Les' series "Lo$t" for 2 Sundays now. He actually started 4 Sundays ago but since I wasn't able to go to the first two, I have to contend myself with his recap every start of his message.

This Sunday, he talked about discontentment. He said that one of the reasons why we find ourselves financially lost because society wants to make us feel that we don't have enough, thus creating a need to want more.

I've been wanting to get a new cellphone for sometime. I have tried reasoning that it was someting I could actually afford. I have convinced myself that it's something that I need to reward myself with, considering that I worked hard enough to earn me two promotions in 7 months.

But you see, this is something that I don't need. My cellphone is still fully functional, and it's not even outdated. Pastor Les made an excellent analogy between these material cravings and hunger. We eat when we're hungry and we get satisfied, but 4 hour tops, and we get hungry again.

When I got my cellphone, I told myself that I don't think I would ever want another cellphone, and look where I am now? Hungry again for another one.

Bottom line is, we need to be careful for some discontentments we have that may gear us towards being financially lost. It may not be the same for everybody. For some, it may be something else. The key is to make a careful evaluation of what is a need and what is a want, and to have enough discipline to live within our means.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why I write about my marriage...

I don't write about my marriage to brag about it. True, I want to show people how happy I am with the path I've chosen. But more importantly, I write about my marriage to inspire others to BELIEVE.

I once was a skeptic and belonged to the other side of the fence. Having seen to many failed relationships (not from first-hand experience thouh) and broken marriages, I've come to conclude that love is merely a fabrication. I've seen enough women weep and bleed over relationships that didn't turn out too well and I vowed to myself that I won't ever be a victim.

I've closed my heart to the possibility of romance and resigned to keep it at that until someone came along and turned everything upside down (and then right sight up again). The love and dedication given to me by that person was overwhelming and too good to be true. But it was true. It was pure. It was magical.

I thank God for that person because he opened doors of possibilities for me. He made me believe in love and commitment. And most importantly, he prepared my heart to welcome the one big love that was bound to come my way - my husband. The one person who was there for me right from the start - patiently waiting, silently pursuing, and never giving up.

I write about my marriage in the hope for more people to have more faith in love. I want people to believe in relationships. I want to inspire people to believe that happy marriages can exist, that relationships can work out, if you're willing to put enough dedication to work at it, and have faith in each other. I want people to realize that love may have the power to make life miserable, but it can also make life magical beyond words.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hebrews 11:40

Sometimes, we get so caught with executing our own plans that we fail to consult the one supreme being who dictates everything in our lives. Because God had allowed us so much freedom to decide on our own, we make plans that are not really aligned to His plans for us, because the lure of material gain is too strong to resist.

I fell for this trap, and I was thankful that not much energy and time was spent planning and working out on what would have been a deviation to God's design for my family. Somehow, God has still guided me and sent me a gentle nudge to re-examine my priorities before things got out of hand.

Initially, I was disheartened when I found out that my husband would not qualify to work abroad due to his medical condition. But God had enlightened my mind and made me realize that He has better things in store for me and my family. It was never His design for a married couple and for the family to be apart from each other for a long time. Aldrich and I always knew this in our hearts, but an opportunity came that we thought was good, only to find out later that it was a tempation that could potentially break our family apart.

On the surface, it would seem that we lost a good opportunity. But His ways are not our ways, and for as long as we continue to trust Him and His will, and for as long as we are willing to obey His words, there is nothing that He couldn't and wouldn't do for us. We may experience setbacks, but trust that the best is yet to come.

"God had planned something together for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect." Hebrews 11:40


As I go through life, I've learned to not always believe everything I heard, feel or see at first glance.

I've come to realize that there are more to people, things and situations than what meets the eye. Life has taught and shown me a lot of ironies that I wouln't have believed had I not known better.

There are people who'd appear tough and confident but are really nervous inside.

Someone who speaks freely about sex and intimacy may actually be ineperienced where sex is concerned.

A person who seems financially secure may be buried with credit card debt.

There is someone who appears to be naive and innocent, but may not exactly be your next-door virgin.

Some others who appear to be shy and timid may actually be secure enough of themselves that they don't find the need to belong and to socialize.

I know of some people who earn 6-digit salaries but are actually scouting around for loans to pay off debts.

The man beside you who shines in all his masculinity may actually be desiring the masculinity of the guy accross the table.

A person who openly says he doesn't want commitment actually desires of settling down but wants to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

A rebellious person wishes to have someone in his life who can tame him and make him submit.

A person who speaks articulately, and critizes other people's grammar, couldn't get his subject and verb agree when blogging.

On the other hand, you may actually find yourself amused and enlightened reading the blog of someone you know can't get his words out when speaking.

Well, these are just some of the ironies that I'm sure a lot of us can relate to, or at least can identify with. And I'm pretty certain that you can create a list of your own.

So don't believe everything you hear and see. I know of someone who emphasized the words "Perception is everything". This person, who once trained me and my peers for the job that I used to do, and whom we thought was indispensable, being the very foundation of the principles we go by in our job, was fired by the company because apparently, he's not needed anymore. Yes, perception is everything. But it is exactly what it is, just a perception.

Friday, September 5, 2008

10% off - anyone?

She's quite a handful...and so I'm selling her...any takers? hehehe

...but of course I'm just joking! hehehe

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Taking the Likes of Joker Seriously

On weekends, I open my eyes in the morning and Borjie greets me with a smile and a sweet “Good morning, Mommy!’ He then asks me if I want to eat rice and invites me to come downstairs. When I am eating, he gets a glass of water and places it on the table.

When it’s workday, Borjie gets into the room and check if the AC is on. He then goes, outside, peeks through the door before closing it, and says, “Mag rest na ka Mommy ha, mag work pa ka unya.” When night falls, he goes inside the room and, lays down by my side closely and says “Good morning na Mommy” as signal for me to start my day, which is actually a night. He then watches me get ready for work, and when I go down the stairs, my sandals will be waiting for me at our doorstep, prepared by my little boy.

I could not emphasize enough the importance of a good and healthy marriage. How a husband treats his wife will be noted and mirrored by the children. I’m sure my 3-year old Borjie would not have understood care and affection if it was not something that he saw from his dad.

One of the highlights of my visit to Manila was my chance to attend a marriage seminar conducted by Victory Church, and speakers emphasized the role of healthy marriages in the society. It is through healthy marriages that we produce healthy families, with healthy children contributing to a healthy society. In most cases, the deviants of our society come from broken or dysfunctional families, as in the case of Joker in Batman. Well, yeah, I know Batman is a fiction, but the underlying truth to that is that most of those we consider being black sheep in our society are usually those who lacked the emotional support and nurturing from their parents.

I never forget to thank God for giving me healthy and emotionally secure children. But more than anything else, I thank God for giving me a husband who shares my vision of creating a happy home with a hope of contributing to a better world.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some moments I want to freeze time...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thank You, Dad

For allowing me to take the weekend off by flying to Manila and have female bonding with my sisters...

For allowing me to go on frantic shopping spree causing so much dent on our savings...

For taking extra care of the kids while I was away...

For patiently waiting for hours to pick me up when my flight was delayed...

For being patient when I fail to answer your calls and text messages because I always forget to bring my phone...

For the wonderful very late dinner that we had at the restaurant I really missed when I got back...

For being the wonderful you....

Thank you.....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Patience is a Virtue

My blog has been several months old now, and the only time I made real money was when I signed up for PayPerPost. I know I have not been as diligent as I should be in signing up for paid posts and I really don't have that much patience in waiting and searching and everything that goes with it.

I am encouraged by how my friends earned from blogging and I want to go to that direction as well. I now have internet connection at home so I don't have an excuse not to make it. I have all the necessary resources, I just don't have the patience. Like they all say, "Patience is a Virtue" - that I must learn. :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On Marriage

How does one define a good marriage? What makes a marriage a good one? I claim to be no expert, and like I always say, I don’t have a perfect marriage, not even close to being one. But is my marriage a good one?

I prefer to call it beautiful, and I love everything in it – the good, the bad, the happy moments and the sad. What I love about it is not how well we get along, but how we manage to reconcile the little and big differences we have. Sometimes, I get so mad and upset at him, but I love how the realization dawns on me that he will always be one single person I could never get tired of loving. I love how, no matter how long and how hard we argue over some things, we come up with a compromise and strike a deal between us. And I love that now matter how badly I want to scream and raise my voice at him during arguments, I’d still want to whisper sweet nothings in his ear at night.

My marriage may not exactly be a good one. But it’s a happy one. Not all marriage can be good. But what’s more beautiful about marriage is that every couple has the power to weave it into a wonderful tale of love that is uniquely beautiful as the other.

The Road That Was Chosen

Some people wonder what could have awaited them in the road not chosen, while some other try to postpone choosing some major inevitable decisions in their lives. Me? I revel and celebrate everyday for the choices I made that have led me to where I am now.

Sometimes, I also think about what I have missed to do. I could have gotten a degree. Perhaps went to law school. Or maybe I could be well way ahead of the corporate ladder. Maybe, I could have travelled across continents or I could be any of those characters that have starred in my daydreams when I was younger.

But marriage has kept me from being all or any of these. And I completely understand why people are afraid to plunge into this next level commitment. We are a new generation of empowered women who believes that our destination should not necessarily be confined into building a home. We believe that the world is ours to conquer, and that our possibilities are limitless. And so we think, why get tied down when we can be free to explore the world?

As a new breed of women, we are more aware of our rights and we are free to explore our options. We make sure that are our eyes our both wide open in every endeavor that we take into, be it a career venture or a romantic relationship. And while I’d like to think that I belong to this generation, I also believe that sometimes, one has to close her eyes and live in blind faith in order to be truly happy.

Do I sometimes wonder what could have been had I not marry at an early age? Honestly, sometimes I do. But I know that what could have been will never be as good as what is now and could never measure up to the beautiful life that the road that was chosen has brought me. Marriage is a choice – a choice I’m glad I made.

Monday, July 21, 2008

This will make you hungry....

Copied this from Joy! I love food and I love to eat! So i grabbed this. Please feel free to grab this as well

—Eaters: kathyrazzi kathycot buhaymisis whenmomspeaks kathycotcooks my precious niche just me.. eds edsmommylife Me,Myself+2 Le bric à brac de Cherie Chez Francine La Place de Cherie My Angels World, Life is Good and Beautiful, From This Side, JustAboutAnything ADD YOUR BLOG HERE!

1. Chicken sa McDo, Jollibee, or KFC? Crispylicious and Juicylicious Chicken Joy
2. Pepsi, Coke, or rootbeer? Definitely COKE
3. Greenwich, Pizza Hut, or Yellow Cab? Pizza Hut
4. Adobo, sinigang, or nilaga? SINIGANG...yum,yum,yum!
5. Beef, pork, or chicken? depends on how it's cooked
6. Starbucks, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, or Gloria Jean’s? I love Bo's Coffee
7. Cornflakes, Honey Stars, or Milo cereal? Koko Krunch
8. Goldilocks or Red Ribbon? Red Ribbon
9. Tokyo Tokyo, Teriyaki Boy or Rai Rai Ken?-Rai Rai Ken, although I also love Tokyo Tokyo
10. Take Out or Dine In? Dine- In—

END HERE —I want to know the yummy answers of Eds, Soreal, My PinkShoelace, Benay-yot, Momi Shar

Of Alphabets and Growling Bears

My bestfriend Mars recommended a site for online tutorials for toddlers. I found it good and very helpful in teaching my 3-year old Borjie. So when he woke up this morning, I told him that we are going to study. He said that he doesn’t want to study with me as he wants to go to school. I told him he can’t go to school yet, but I will be his teacher for now. He was expecting that we will be grabbing some papers and pencil, but to his surprise, I open the computer. He insisted that he wants to get some papers and pencils, but I told him that since I’m the teacher, we’ll do it my way.

So we went to I was surprised that Borjie can identify some of the letters of the alphabet, and has easily picked up the sounds of each. Zaira also took some noteworthy interest and has diligently mimicked the sounds. Everything was going well until the study showed a growling bear, and then everything went boring for Borjie. He keeps on asking me to repeat the part where the bear was growling. I tried to put his interest back on the topic at hand, but he wouldn’t hear any of it anymore and has kept on asking for the growling bear.

And so I have to end our session for now. I went to and there his eyes feasted on the tigers, crocodiles and bears eating each other. These are the kind of stuff that my kid enjoys….*sigh*. And then it took me a lot of bribing before I was able to steal the computer away from him again.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday High

Okay...I know I shouldn't be doing this. I should be catching up some sleep as I only have a few hours of sleep for the last few days. But it's Friday, and knowing that tonight will be last night to come to work for the week is like a shot of caffeine for me. Aside from that, my kids have been bothering me like crazy. They keep on banging on our bedroom door until I haveno choice but to open the door for them and let them in. Well, so much for rest....

And of course, the convenience and tempatation of having unlimited internet at home. The fact that a computer and internet connection is justa few feet away from by bed, and the urge to slam my fingers on the keyboard is a tempation I would love to indulge in....

And so for now, sleep will have to wait until the weekend...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

First Day High

My first day with my new role went well without complications. So there was a little confusion with my new role. I applied for Client Services Coordinator, but was informed that I got the Sales Coach position. While talking to my new boss, she realized she can maximize my talents and potentials better if she keeps me as Client Services Coordinator, and so I’ll be one. There’s no distinct line as to the roles actually, since we will still be under the Client Service Department, and our scope of responsibilities could be interchanged from time-to-time, so the name of the position should not be a big deal.

My new boss seems nice and pretty straight forward. I think she’s a very smart woman, very determined and goal-oriented, and has gone a long way at a young age of 27. She seems so organized and very open-minded, and I am pretty sure I would enjoy working with her.

It was a cool first day for me.


Got this award from a fellow blogger Gail's really flattering to get this....I am tagging in turn Bena-yot, Momi Shar, MyPinkShoelace, Soreal, Edcel, Lisa, Marily, Prily

Rule: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. And tag at least 5 friends. (But you can tag as many as you like).Note: Please link the blog where you posted the tag We appreciate you linking all your blogs but make sure you post the tag in the blogs too.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quitting Quality

I officially said goodbye to Quality last night. I had dinner with the team, together with our boss, and that's it. I was supposed to be on duty but my supervisor was kind enough to allow me to be on vacation leave so I could prepare myself and transition to my new role. It was a tough decision to leave the team but I have to move forward.

As I write this, I'm an hour away from starting my new career endeavor. I'm officially a Sales Coach today. Unlike when I joined Quality, when I was so excited, I am so nervous to come to work today. First, because I don't know what lies ahead. I don't even know my scope of responsibilities. I was offered a position that was different from what I applied for, and although it is under the same department, I was not given clear a clear over-view of how things are going to be. I am accepting this position in blind faith that I can be as effective and as efficient as I was as an evaluator. Wish me luck...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Miss Universe

She only had to watch a beauty pageant once. The annual Miss Universe was aired yesterday morning, and while we were watching it, she starting wishing to be one.


During my younger years, stationaries were the "in" thing. A girl's treasures would compose of stationaries of different designs and colors, and she could trade the same design for another to expand her collection. And diaries made of scented papers embossed with flowers and hearts are a girl's bestfriend. Back then, diaries are to be kept safe in drawer, sealed with a tiny padlock, and the key shoul be carried with you anywhere, least anyone should read it.

But we know live in an electronic world. Gone are the days of stationaries and diaries. Young lovers will find no need for stationaries to exchange love notes, as more and more people would find text and email messages more convenient. Words that are supposed to be written and should be kept within the diary are now published online. The younger generations are bolder and more outspoken about what they think and what they feel. They are no longer afraid to voice out their thoughts, ideas and emotions for the whole world to read. We are now more assertive of our rights and secure enough of ourselves to say that our emotions, thoughts, ideas, feelings are valid, and we are not afraid to share it, not only for others to learn about it, but more importantly, for us to learn more about ourselves.

The world has changed. The earth has become smaller. Information has become just a click away. It no longer belongs to a privileged few who could afford volumes and volumes of encyclopedias. Knowledge can be obtained from the tip of our fingers.

People have different perspective of things that used to be unacceptable. Societal norms are not as important as our own personal conviction. We no longer need a newspaper nor we have to be broadcasters to be heard. We can freely speak about our ideas without having to wait for an editor to approve it.

Welcome to a bolder, freer generation. Welcome to online blogging.

The Prayer Series (Part 2)

WaumbaLand, the name of the Sunday School Program of Quest (the church that we go to), requires the child to be free from any illness 24 hours prior to class. And because of that, I couldn't take Zaira to church with us. Borjie is at my in-law's house for his weekly sleepover, so Aldrich and I decided to take the afternoon service last Sunday.

Pastor Les continued on with his series on Prayer. The previous week, he talked about how important it is to have a quiet time with God, and to make prayer a private matter. This week, he talked about how to pray.

When we pray, we first should acknowledge to whom we are talking to. We are greatly privileged to be given the right to call Him "Father". It means that we should be establishing a relationship with Him, on a personal basis. It is important that we acknowledge Him for His greatness and divinity, that we glorify His name.

Second, we should remember to surrender our will. In Matthew 6: 10 it says "..thy will be done" It means that when we pray, we should be willing to allow God's plans for our lives to prevail, and not our will. And third, we must acknowledge our dependence on Him, on a day-to-day basis. We must always remember that there's nothing we could do without Him.

Prayer is not about our wants, our needs, our desires. God knows them before we even before we ask. What matters most about prayer is how we connect with our Lord and Savior.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Prince Caspian

I wanted Borjie and Zaira's first movie to be something special. I wanted it to be memorable for them, as it will be for us parents. I was thinking of bringing them to theater together, as I don't want any one of them to be left behind (which will most likely be Zaira since she's the younger one) so we waited until Zaira is old enough to be admitted and mature enough to sit still in a theater environment.

Then came Prince Caspian, the second of the 7 series of Chronicles of Narnia. I loved this as a book. In fact, during my high school days, I had all 7 of the books, and God knows where they all are now (can't remember who borrowed them). Kinda reminds of the item in "Life's Litte Instruction Book" ..."as with money and books, lend only those you don't care to see again." Going back...the first sequel, which was "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" proved screen-worthy, so I vowed not to miss the next one.

So when Prince Caspian came out, we wasted no time in bringing the kids to the moviehouse. I prepared lots of pop corn and pork rind to keep them busy in case they get bored. Fortunately, they seemed to enjoy the movie. Borjie anxiously waited for the lion to come out (he seemed to have recognized that it was a sequel). Zaira got a little sleepy but Lucy's character, and the animals fascinated her enough to keep her awake.

I chose this movie to their first, not only because I love it, but also because I want them to look back one day and be proud that the first movie they watched had some Christian value in it.

Dental Visit

Aldrich and I decided to finally make that long-delayed visit to the dentist. I called up the clinic to make the reservation, and by the time we got there, I was immediately ushered to the dentist chair (whatever it's called) It's been over a year since my last visit, and I barely remember how it was to have oral prophylaxis. And while sitting there, I am reminded of a thousand and one reason why I hate going to the dentist. It sure sucks having to keep your mouth open for almost an hour and I so hate the after-feel of it all.

Well, some things had to be done. Whether we like it or not...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My 3-year old Borjie

He's every inch a kuya. He loves to play the role of a protective big brother. He defends his baby sister whenever someone tries to bully her and tease her. He loves dinosaurs and tigers and lions. He's a human rights advocate, as he insists his rights to quality time with us, his right to be bought with toys and clothes, and he scolds us if our voices and tempers raise higher than the normal.

My 2-year old Zaira

She turned 2 last June 2, 2008. She never fails to amuse us with her dance moves and her giggles and her kikay ways. She insists that she's pretty and tells you she's not your friend if you don't agree. And of course, she insists that she takes after her mom. Does she?

OT-free weekend

Last weekend was the first weekend in many weeks that I did not go OT. I was contemplating of rendering at least 4 hours OT to catch up with my evaluations. I need to complete as many as I can since I will be leaving the department a few days before the fiscal month is completed. I want my productivity to be raised as high as it can. Not that I need to prove something.

Well, it would be probably one of the few times that I could get to relax. I would be moving on to a new role in a different department and I may have to learn and unlearn several things, thus increasing the stress level. As per my current boss, "Prepare for more stress".

So instead of going to the office, I spent the weekend bonding with my family and kids, and sleeping till my eyes puffed. After all, I've got nothing else to prove in the Quality Department. What I need to prepare is to conquer Client Services.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Got this tag from MyPinkShoelace and I have to give it a try...It's been a while since I last do a tag...

What you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…Click copy/paste, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 4 people in your lists!

(A) Four places I go over and over:~ our room, Bantayan, church, mall
(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:~ our facilities manager, my supervisor, my sister and my hubby
(C) Four of my favorite places to eat?~ Rai-rai ken, Pizza hut, Ila Puti and McDo
(D) Four places you’d rather be?~ Boracay, Paris, China, Hawaii
E) Four people I think will respond:~ Prily~ Bena - yot~ Soloflighted~ Mars
(F) Four TV shows I could watch over and over:~ Alias, Dawson's Creek, Ally McBeal, 24

Of Flowers and Surprises

The moment I got to the office, my supervisor summoned me to her desk. I got a little scared and I thought, "Uh-oh, what did I do?" I was surprised to find a bouquet of roses on her desk and she told me it was for me.

My husband is never the romantic type. He is never the flowers and chocolates type, and he is not good with cooking up surprises. So I got the surprise of my life when I got those flowers from him. My officemates thought we probaby had a fight. And I told them, "No, it's our monthsary." To which they replied, "What?!?! You still celebrate monthsaries?"

Happy 49th monthsary, Daddiyah!

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Prayer Series (Part I)

The whole household, together with my brother and his family went to church last Sunday. It was the first time in many years that we went to the same church together, since for the past weeks, we went to different churches, as my they ususally go to my sister's sending church, and Aldrich and I preferred to go to Quest since the kids enjoy the Sunday School there. Also, my youth pastor, who officiated our wedding, also serves there. Last Sunday, we all went to Quest.
Pastor Les talked about prayer. I've been a Christian for half my life and has served in several ministries. And he was right. I thought I know all I need to know about prayer, but I don't. The message has revealed several truths about prayer and I felt that all my life, I wasn't really praying, but merely stating my needs.
God knows our needs even before we pray for it. So why bother praying? Because it is through prayer that our relationship with Him deepens. That is why the Bible states the need to pray in private, because you can't establish a good relationship in public.
Because I live a busy life, I pray while on the run. In the cab, in the jeepney, sometimes in the restroom and even at times when I am waiting for something or someone. But the one point that Pastor Les stressed last Sunday was the importance of closing the door and praying in private. It's not about the quality or quantity of your words, but the connection God feels in your prayer that matters.
Aldrich and I are careful with our marriage. We make it a point to communicate regularly, and we go out on dates without the kids to maintain the kind of closeness that we have. And just like our human relationships, our relationship with God requires communicating with Him on a regular and private basis for it to flourish.
Last Sunday, Pastor Les started out a new series on prayer. If you wanna hear about it, you may come with me to church.

Convergys Cares

Summer ended without a company summer party. But will Convergys let it happen? Of course not! Management got busy expanding the business, but that doesn't mean they forgot to give us the party we deserve. We had a late summer outing at Vistamar, and there, I got a change to meet Mark Nelson in person. Cool!

Here it is!

I've put it off long enough. For a long time, I was undecided if we should have internet at the house. I reasoned that the time we spent at our home should be solely dedicated to spending quality time with the kids. But we also need to connect to the outside world, especially that my sisters are across the seas and we commuicate via email. It is also important to download some stuff that we think are useful, and of course, I have to update my blogsite as well.

Aldrich and I finally decided to install internet at the house. We found the need heavier than our reaso not to get one.


The whole household, together with my brother and his family went to church last Sunday. It was the first time in many years that we went to the same church together, since for the past weeks, we went to different churches, as my they ususally go to my sister's sending church, and Aldrich and I preferred to go to Quest since the kids enjoy the Sunday School there. Also, my youth pastor, who officiated our wedding, also serves there. Last Sunday, we all went to Quest.

Pastor Les talked about prayer. I've been a Christian for half my life and has served in several ministries. And he was right. I thought I know all I need to know about prayer, but I don't. The message has revealed several truths about prayer and I felt that all my life, I wasn't really praying, but merely stating my needs.

God knows our needs even before we pray for it. So why bother praying? Because it is through prayer that our relationship with Him deepens. That is why the Bible states the need to pray in private, because you can't establish a good relationship in public.

Because I live a busy life, I pray while on the run. In the cab, in the jeepney, sometimes in the restroom and even at times when I am waiting for something or someone. But the one point that Pastor Les stressed last Sunday was the importance of closing the door and praying in private. It's not about the quality or quantity of your words, but the connection God feels in your prayer that matters.

Aldrich and I are careful with our marriage. We make it a point to communicate regularly, and we go out on dates without the kids to maintain the kind of closeness that we have. And just like our human relationships, our relationship with God requires communicating with Him on a regular and private basis for it to flourish.

Last Sunday, Pastor Les started out a new series on prayer. If you wanna hear about it, you may come with me to church.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I’m a planner by heart. I always plan ahead. I plan my week, my day and even how I spend my hour. I plan out and spread out my deliverables for the week, always giving allowance for possible distractions and changes.

I’ve planned my life. I planned to have a long engagement with someone before we tie the knot. I planned at what age to graduate, when to marry and when to have children, and at what spacing. I have a list of things to do in my lifetime, and a timetable as to when one should be checked.

I know that life doesn’t always go as planned. Incidentally, most of what I am and I have now are not results of my planning.

I didn’t plan to get engaged at 22, when we were barely two weeks in the relationship. I didn’t plan to marry at 23, 6 months after the proposal. I didn’t plan to get pregnant in between, especially half-way through the wedding preparations when I needed all the time and energy I have to prepare for my wedding. I didn’t plan to get pregnant again, when my first-born was only 3 months old.

No, my life didn’t go as I planned it. Incidentally, the most rewarding areas of my life right now are the results of the things I didn’t plan – my happy marriage, my two adorable kids, my beautiful family.

No, life doesn’t always go as planned. Sometime you have to let go of your control of things, so God can allow His plan for your life to push through. Because He knows what’s best for you.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What I learned from church....

I went to church last Sunday in between my shift as I was working overtime for the weekend to increase our percentage of attainment. I was thinking of not going to church because I know I have a full schedule ahead, but I decided to give God what is due Him of my time.

I was so glad I came. The message spoke directly to my heart. The speaker reminded me to place my priorities where it should be – my family. According to him, we all cheat with our time, but the questions should be “where are we cheating?”, “who are we cheating?” and “who feels cheated?”. We should choose to cheat on the area that is of lesser importance.

I’ve been working long hours for the past few weeks due to heavy workload, and other special tasks assigned to me. Sure, I was given a “power of one” card from higher management in appreciation of my efforts, but that wasn’t enough for the time lost not spending it with my family. The message reminded me to honor my husband and my family with the time that is supposedly spent for them. Nine hours of work in the office should be enough to honor my job. The rest should be spent building life-long relationships with the people who matter the most.

The speaker ended the message with a challenge to trust God to fill up the gap that we probably will leave should we spend more time elsewhere than work. I guess I was relying too much on my humanly efforts to do all I can do, forgetting that there is a greater power who can magically make things happen for me.

The message, has more importantly taught me to rely less on my self, to follow God’s will in blind faith, and to leave room for God to work in my life.

It has, most importantly, renewed my strength through total surrender.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy DAD's Day!

Happy Father's Day, Daddiyah! You have been and you will always be the most amazing Dad I you, pwenty, pwenty, pwenty.....


Sorry, guys.....I mistakenly imported my blogs from my blogger account here in multiply...I'm so sorry for flooding your inbox...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Training Mode

I will have another LOB to support, so I will be on training mode starting tomorrow, until June 12...sigh! I will probably still work on my evals so I could have higher accomplishment for the month, but that will be done with overtime....sigh!
On the other hand, starting June 12, our senior associate for quality performance will be one training for a week, and I would have to fill in her shoes. Meaning, I will be doing her deliverables, making sure that operations is not hampered because of her absence. But that doesn't mean still that I will not work on my evaluations. I am still aiming a 100% completion, so that would mean I still have to render OT for the evaluations.
Less time for my kids and my family. But more opportunity for career growth and self-improvement.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


My blogsite has been on deep slumber from some time. While going through Mars's website, I read about Bloggerwave. It's another opportunity to for us make money while doing what we love doing, which of course is writing. All you have to do is register and submit your blog, and they will answer you right away through your email. In some cases, it takes 2-3 days from them to reply. In my case, however, they replied within the same day I applied, which I think is amazing. So what are you guys waiting for? Let's all make money and join Bloggerwave.

SE w960

My dream phone. I can't believe I wanted another high-end phone again especially that my phone isn't even a year old...sigh! It's not something that I need, so I guess I would just have to dream about it for now.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at


Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

I love you more today than yesterday

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Beautiful Life

I rest in the arms of my hero...

A Holiday!

My officemates are having a field day! The internet connection went down for a while and when it came back up, firewall was down! We all stopped whatever it is we're doing started opening youtube, friendster, multiply and all other blocked sites like crazy. WHEW!

Hammer or Ruler? Both!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's Been a While

it's been a while since i logged on here. sorry if i havent' been updating the site. and sorry also for my links that i haven't visited yet. it's a hectic days at the office, as i don't have a permanent station, and the firewall is up and the proxies aren't working....*sigh

Friday, May 2, 2008

Getting There..A survey about commute

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Borjie's Invitation

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Mom’s Nightmare

Last Friday, I received a text message from my sister telling me that my baby is sick. A few minutes before that, my boss told me that the supposed to be one-hour meeting will be extended to two hours, so that means I wouldn’t be able to go home immediately. As he always waits for me after work, I told my husband to go home ahead of me to check on our baby girl. He called me as soon as he got home to inform me that Zaira is fine, so as not to worry me.
She was her usual bubbly self when I got home. The following day though, her fever spiked again. I had her take paracetamol which brought down the fever. I had to do some errands so I left her at home with the nanny. When we got home, we noticed that her cheeks were red, and there were rashes on her legs. We immediately packed a few things and brought her to the hospital. Her temperature recorded 39.2ºC, but the rashes were gone, except for the ones on her knees. The doctor told us that it could just be an allergic reaction to what she had probably eaten. They performed a CBC and sent us home, as they diagnosed that it could just be a viral infection.

I didn’t sleep through the night. I busied myself watching the last season of Alias. Zaira’s conditioned did improve. The fever had broken. I checked on her from time to time to make sure her temperature is just within the normal range. At 8 in the morning, just when I was about to sleep, her temperature went to 40.1ºC. I woke up Aldrich because we’re supposed to get the results of the CBC. He went back to the hospital and was advised to bring our baby back to the Emergency Room so the doctor can double-check, as her WBC count is higher than normal.

By the time Aldrich went home, the fever had broken down. We waited until lunch time, but Zaira seemed normal and ok again. We went to Aldrich’s grandmother’s house, as we usually do on Sundays. His relatives advised us not to have her admitted because her fever might just be due to her teething. We stayed there for a while waiting for her fever to spike again. After dinner, we noticed a rise in her temperature, so we immediately proceeded to Chong Hua Hospital. They still couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Zaira showed no signs of illness; she seemed very active and very healthy, except for the fever and high CBC count. They performed a urinalysis, but the result showed negative infection, so they sent us home again.

I tried to reason with them that if it’s dengue, it will not be detected on the first 3 days of fever. As of Sunday, her fever was just 3 days old. The CBC was performed on a Saturday, which means, her fever was just 2 days old when the test was administered. They assured me that it’s not dengue. If they see signs of possible dengue, they would let us go home. They convinced me that it might just be viral infection, and they sent us home with instructions to closely monitor my baby.

It was such a stressful weekend for us. I took an emergency leave from work on Monday so I could closely check on Zaira. Thank God the fever totally broke down and did not come back. I’m sure moms who read this could relate to the pressure and the nervousness I felt over my baby’s sickness. We never want to take any chances, when it comes to our children’s health and safety. I think a little paranoia wouldn’t hurt, especially, when it’s our children’s health at stake.

I’m just very thankful that it was nothing more than a fever. We’ve heard of several cases of dengue around the neighborhood, and of course, we wouldn’t want that to happen to our children. It was the first time that we brought Zaira to the hospital, and we’re glad that it didn’t have to reach admission. As always, it is very important to take precautionary measures. When it comes to our children’s health, our motto is always, “better safe than sorry”.

Friday, April 25, 2008

In Training - Again

I'm on training again. For this particular Friday, we were not able to do evaluations, as we had training the whole day. I braced myself for the boredom, but to my surprise, I fuond myself enjoy the training. However, we will have a 2-hour meeting for today, and then I still have to mail in my weekly site feedback, which for now I couldn't do because I don't have access to Lotus in my station.
Good thing it's a Friday. I can take whatever unexpected tasks, as I will just seek comfort in the fact that tomorrow is Saturday, and I don't have to come in for work.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I set-up my blogger account in a way that I can post blog through email. Let's see if this works.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


It doesn't surprise me when people are amazed to learn that I am already married. Their amazement grows when they find out that I have two adorable kids. People think I'm young, which makes it all the more amazing. I may have married young, I may have missed out on a lot of opportunities, but I will never trade what I have now for anything in the world. Life has given me the most wonderful blessing...a beautiful family.

$20 richer

I got a confirmation from PayPerPost last Monday, that my post was finally approved, which means I am $20 richer. It was so wonderful to read, and while I was getting discouraged in this blogging endeavor, the email had given me encouragement and excitement. Thank you all for the hits and for visiting my site regularly!


This is a test blog. I tried checking if I can post a blog here,  using my email. Well, I will know in a while. :)

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blog Roll

I was trying to experiment with the look of my site, unfortunately, my blog roll got erased. I have to build them up again. I'm so sorry for those persons that I exchanged links with. I promise I will create a new one and post it as soon as I can. As for now, I have to go because I'm 22 minutes late from my date with my hubby...sorry about that, guys...

David Cook

I am not a fan of American Idol. My co-workers are crazy about it. I hear them talk about it for hours... the contestants, their performances, the comments of the judges (especially Simon's), who made it to the top 3, who were in the bottom 3, and who was evicted.

One night, while dining in our pantry, the show was being played on TV. I had to admit that I got quite interested in the show. I was impressed that Mariah Carey herself mentored the contestants. That night, they are to sing Mariah Carey's songs. I was a bit impressed with their performances, until it got to David Cook. Boy, I wasn't just impressed, I was crazy about him. He has an air of romance in his voice, and on his looks...he sang the song "You Will Always Be My Baby" so beautifully and so passionately I think it was even better than the original. From then on, I became his fan.

Tag of Twenty

Here are the rules: Remove one (1) question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag eight (8) people in your list. List them out at the end of this post.

1. At what age do/did you wish to marry?
>>> Originally, 27....that should have been this year...but I'm married for 3 years now...

2. What is your pseudonym?
>>> mier - plain and simply...and unimaginative...hehehe
3. Have you ever shoplifted?
>>>no, never had the guts

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?

5. Which part of you that you hate the most?
>>>my impatience...

6. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
>>>I pray...

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
>>>my family

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
>>>go on a cruise...

9. What do you loved the most last year (2007)?
>>>i got a promotion...

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you:

11. How do you cope with boredom?

12. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?
>>>can't think of one right now

13. Which type of person do you hate the most?
>>>liars, cheats, hypocrites...

14. What is your ambition?
>>> i live a simple and happy life.. i don't think i could ask for more...

15. If you had one wish what would you wish for?
>>>i can't decide right now...hehehe

16. It is already 2008, do you have a new year’s resolution?
>>> no.. i have goals though

17. What do you look forward to in 2008?
>>>travel...and another promotion...

18. If your life is a song, what title best fit it?
>>>the song is yet to be written...hehehe

19. What is your principle in life?
>>> to live life the best way you know how...

20) If there is one thing in life that you would undo, what would it be?
>>>> well, this is my question, but it doesn't mean i have to answer...hehehe

tagging wena, denzyl, mars, edcel, audrey

Friday, April 18, 2008

In Training

I'm on a different schedule for today to attend a training that will be conducted by someone through a long distance conference call. I was actually thinking that it's going to be pretty boring, but I found myself so engrossed in the training. I actually thought this day would turn out bad for me, but to my surprise, I did enjoy this day. The training was rather interesting as we talked about troubleshooting over the phone, and how it is different from the chat. It was really informational.

I also thought that we will have a hard time completing our evaluations as we only have 4 hours to work on it, but I actually outdid myself and completed 10 evaluations. That's the number I accomplish in a normal given day, which means a complete 8 hours. It was a good thing because we are nearing the end of fiscal month, and we promised ourself that we will beat the deadline by a day. I sure hope we can complete it by tomorrow so we can have a lazy Monday next week.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Almost 3!

My first-born son Borjie, will be turning 3 this coming May 6. Until now, we have not decided yet on the theme of the party. We had Mickey Mouse for his first party, then last year's was Spiderman. Now, I can't think of any theme for him for this yaer. He loves to watch all sorts of cartoon movies, but they are all outdated. There hasn't been any new releases for another cartoon icon. He loves dinosaurs, but not the cutie-barney type of dinosaurs. He likes them in action, growling, running, fighting and preying. I'm not sure if I could find stuff with dinosaurs on it to complement the theme.

We were actually thinking of not holding a party for him this year. We told him that instead of throwing a party, we'll buy him an new TV set and DVD player. But when the TV and DVD player came, we reminded him of our agreement about them being birthday gifts and no party. His reply? "Imo nalang na, Mommy. Mo-borrow lang ko. Mag-party lang ta." (You can have it, Mom. I'll just borrow from you. But I want my party" Smart, huh?


One of my favorite food stops would always be Pizza Hut. I just love their pizza, in fact I even have a Palm Card. For those of you who doesn't know, a Palm Card is like a loyalty card that you present to the cashier when you buy a regular or family size pizza, and you get another pizza of the same size for free! I also love their spaghetti and their caesar salad and their mushroom soup. These things never go unordered whenever I'm there.

Rai-Rai Ken

When my company relocated to the office where we are now, I wasn't really paying attention to the fact the we have Rai Rai Ken at the building lobby. I wasn't really very fond of Japanese foods, as my previous experience with this type of cuisine consists of sushis and sashimis and raw fish or whatever it may be. Because I have some eating buddies who are very adventurous in eating new stuff, we tried out this restaurant. I was surprised at how good the food tastes, I found myself inviting them to go back from time to time. I tasted their spicy ramen and I know Aldrich just have to try it. I also checked on their chicken teriyaki and I was sure Aldrich would be crazy about it. And indeed I was true. He found the found really good, and wants to go back there, too.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Finally! I started my blogging with the intent to make money online. I waited patiently for a few weeks until my blog is old enough to meet the minimum requirements. I applied for PayPerPost two weeks ago and anxiously waited for their reply. I heard from some fellow bloggers that they usually reply in a matter of days, while some others say that it takes weeks. There were even some people who had to re-apply several times. I was losing hope when I got an email yesterday that my blog was finally approved. I was ecstatic because I braced myself for a declination of my blog and I was trying to get ready to re-apply but fortunately, I got approved. And now as I write this, I'm on my way to getting my $20! Isn't that amazing! I get paid for something that I love to be doing, and that is blogging. That means that I have extra money to spend exploring places I've never been to, so I have more things to share here in my blog. PayPerPost by the way is a site that pays you to blog. It's site for blog advertising

I am so grateful for the few people who really encouraged me to pursue this endeavor. Edcel was really very consistent in reminding to apply and how to go about doing it, I met a few frustrations along the way, but there were a lot of you guys who really kept me going. I am very thankful for the encouragements of friends. I am also very thankful to those people who are faithful in viewing my site on a regular basis. And of course, I am very grateful to PayPerPost for approving my blog immediately. Way to go, PayPerPost! You rock!

Weekend Domestication

Our weekends are usually spent malling or going somewhere else, like the beach or the pool, or eating out to somewhere we haven't been to. Especially this summer, we carefully lined up our activities to make this year's summer a memorable one for my husband and me.

For this weekend, we decided to re-do the room. We purchased the promised TV and DVD player for the kids, and then we got ourselves a new computer table. We removed the old desk that Aldrich put in the room that served as his working table, and the computer table at the same time. We re-aranged the bed in a way that the previously two beds who were connected together are now set-apart, which means that the kids had to sleep on the other side of the room, apart from us. Aldrich thought that it will be best to train them as early as now to sleep independently. We placed the TV rack and the new computer table, and I was surprised at how neat and cozy the room looks now. My hubby added the finishing touches...more framed pictures on the wall.

I now look forward to going home everynight, with my new TV and new workstation. That's an add-on of course to the cuddles, kisses and shrieks of my two little darlings and the warm hugs of my husband.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

To Go or Not To Go

I dedicate this blog to a dear friend of mine who is at a crossroad. To go or not to go. I may not totally understand the whole story, nor do I know the would-be consequences of going, but this I know...You are never the type of person who wants to look back and wonder what could have been. If I know you right, you live life to the fullest, with passion, without fear of what tomorrow may bring. If you know in your heart that you really want to go, if you are sure that you will have a fabulous time by going, then by all means go. There's no guarantee that the thing you fear is gonna happen, and if does, it shouldn't make feel less a person, if anything, it should make you more of the person you really are - bold, courageous, passionate.
